1. Even though I have poor health, not as severe as yours, I am thankful for everything in my life.
    My prayer everyday is (thank you God for everything I am and everything I have).
    As we live each day the only thing we really have is Gods blessings.

    Continue to live each day to its fullest. I love you and your heart.

    1. So good to see your name in my comments, Chuck. Your perspective always sharpens mine. Thank you for sharing your thoughts as you navigate this detour of your own. I consider you one of my faith heroes. Blessings, my friend!

  2. Lori,
    You always know just what to say. I love what you’ve written about gratitude. We’ve got to be thankful for what we’ve have and not worried about what we don’t have. I’ve printed this lesson to put it with my other favorite writings from you.
    Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

    1. Oh Julie, a tear slipped out when I read this. You honor me by reading and now saving. Anything that is true or right about those words are the Spirit working through this crazy situation. You are a great friend and encourager. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

  3. Wow…this really spoke to me. Thank you, Lori! Just what I needed to hear during this season of life…
    “We miss out on experiencing God’s continuing grace when we are waiting for a different life to be grateful for. And, even worse, we miss out on Him.But by acting better than we feel, by being grateful for the small blessings of our every day, we will come face to face with the one big thing that will never change: A Giver totally worthy of our gratefulness.

    1. Thank you for letting me know, Kim. It is encouraging to me to see the Spirit using my experiences and my words to speak to others. Your comment is especially meaningful given the difficult season you are navigating now. Praying for strength and peace for you.

  4. This is something God has been working on in me. Sometimes the challenges scream at us, but blessings are always there too if we just make an effort to look for them. I started a gratitude journal of things I’m thankful for or positive notes/lessons from others. On days it’s hard, I get it out to help me refocus again. Your 6 tips will go in there for sure. Love you friend!

    1. I love gratitude journals, because I’m a word nerd! But something about seeing things in black and white makes it more “official” to me. Thank you for sharing. I’m honored to have my words included in yours. You are definitely in mine.

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