

  1. You, LoriAnn, are one of my favorite authors! Such a Beautiful Gift shared with me! Thank you! Blessings! Sheila Kaye

  2. Lori, I love how you have identified the stump as a metaphor for disappointments and discouragements in life. What you’ve written here makes a lot of sense and provides hope, even in difficult times. Thank you for sharing your insights and wisdom!

    1. Thank you, Brad. I’m so glad the stump analogy resonated with you. It has always seemed important in my own life. Take care!

  3. Oh wow, did I need to read this today. The image of a shoot poking up through decay is a powerful one and one that will linger. Thank you.

    1. This is so good to hear, Lorraine. New life from what seems dead is a powerful part of my own faith and story. I am encouraged that it spoke to you. Thank you for reading and commenting!

  4. It’s amazing that your articles always seem to reach me at the time I need to hear them. Thank you for your insight, and the gift of sharing it with others. Truly a God send!

    1. This made my day, Lory! When I plan what to share each month, I try to leave it completely in God’s hands, not knowing who needs to hear what. So happy my words spoke to you. Knowing that has boosted my own faith. Blessings!

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