1. This article came at just the right time. Thankful that God is using you to speak to me and I know so many others. Thank you!

    1. So good to hear from you, Alyx. As I send my thoughts into the world, often I never know how they land. So you made my day. Thank you very much for letting me know God is putting the words where they need to be. Blessings to you and your sweet family.

  2. Dearest Lori Ann
    This is so heart touching and gripping and just too powerful for words..it is glorious and beauty for the heart and soul..we are a small church..I sent to my minister and each person of the congregation, my family and many I pray for and my friends!!
    This is a heart gift..truly so grateful you wrote this..so very profound
    Blessings and love and appreciation
    Maureen Swope. 💕

    1. Such a blessing to know this, Maureen. I am always amazed at how God can use us to spread hope to others, even those we’ve never met. Your thoughtful sharing is priceless to me. And your generous words have brightened my day.

  3. Lori, your words were perfectly timed for me, as well, waiting for the answers to several of the situations you mentioned in your beautiful writing…God is definitely using you to help encourage and inspire those, like me, waiting in our own liminal spaces…Thank you!

    1. Oh, Tami, I get the waiting. Nothing I like less, but I’m starting to see God clearer in those foggy times. I pray He will hold you close as you wait for answers. So great to hear from you!

  4. What perfect timing. I am home
    Recovering from a knee replacement surgery. Cannnot drive for 6 weeks so I am in this liminal space of just waiting at home and rehabbing and hoping on the other side that this will all be worth it , that I haven’t elected to do something that , in the end, won’t work out for the better. Thanks for the beautiful article.

    1. Oh Theresa, prayers as you navigate that gray space of healing. Trusting that it was all worth it is so hard, especially during rehab! I am hoping along with you that our reliance on the doctors and their God-given skills will be well-placed. Take good care!

  5. This quote about Hope is so helpful!
    “ Hope is rooted in the past but we can’t get through tomorrow without it.” I began reading the article on “Be still” then hopped over here. It’s a great formula-remember Ruth, remember Abraham, remember Joseph. The waiting can be long but God is still there. It makes hope sound a lot like faith! Thank you.

    1. Love that you read this post, too, Cindy, and love that you linked the pattern of Ruth-Abraham-Joseph and tied hope to faith. Brilliant! So great to hear from you.You’ve blessed me today.

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