1. I saw you speak at WWWG this year and was amazed by your story and relate to it more than you know. I’ve sat at the doctors’ offices and heard the words, “We don’t know how to help.” My husband has a birth defect called Arnold Chiari Malformation. They normally find this in small children and they can repair it and move on. Unfortunately, they did not catch his and so a football injury in HS was how he found out he had it. They did three surgeries in 1 weekend and one was botched so badly that it left him with no feeling in his right arm and no color vision except for black, white and gray but his life was spared. Years later he started having pain in the arm he can’t feel out of. They diagnosed him as having phantom limb syndrome even though his arm is still there. In 2009, after dealing with horrible chronic pain for years and seeing 9 different doctors who all told us there was nothing they could do for him, we finally found one willing to try a spinal cord stimulator. It worked! He was pain free and has remained so up until this year when the leads suddenly stopped working. We are now trying to find a doctor willing to go in and replace the leads. They are worried that if they get too close to the spinal cord, he could be paralyzed for the rest of his life. I say all that just to tell you how much I needed this today. I am in fight mode and have been searching the internet night and day looking for answers and new treatments or doctors who specialize in this type of surgery. I feel like I hit walls every time I turn around and I just don’t know what to do. I know God is here. He has brought us through some tremendous battles along this way but right now I just feel like He is being silent, and I can’t see the path forward. I appreciate your words and thoughts. Please know I am praying for you as well. God bless you. – Stephanie

    1. Oh wow, Stephanie, you have so much going on right now. Those are the most difficult times to be still for me it seems. I want to “help God out.” I’ve been where you are (and still there sometimes) searching for answers, and coming up empty-handed. I will be praying God feels present and in control for you and your husband as you face this ongoing issue. I know many can relate to your story of determined faith tinged with disappointment and pain. Thank you for sharing. Please keep me updated.

    2. I know someone with Arnold Chiari Malformation that was helped with Upper Cervical Chiropractic. It takes pressure off the brain stem and relieves pain. Maybe that would help your husband.

  2. Thank you Lori. I too needed to read this tonight. As both hubby and I are dealing with pain and trying to get answers in a timely fashion. I am on the list for an MRI, my date for it is the end on January 2025!
    I will keep you ladies in prayer,
    . 🙏🙏

    1. Oh Ann, I am so sorry you have to wait that long. What a testimony that you continue to pray and seek God in the hard times. Thank you for the prayers, and thank you for sharing!

  3. Thank you for sharing! I too, have learned the truth of being still 🙂 it’s wonderful to just rest in Him. To stop striving and begging. To KNOW that He is God.

    1. Brenda, being still is something I never thought I’d value. God used heart failure to show me the importance of it. Great to hear from others who have found value in being still and found God there. I have been encouraged today by your comment, and I know others will be as well. Take care!

  4. Hi Lori, thank you for this beautiful reflection. Being still is so hard, especially the way we were raised, and especially with the dad we had! He certainly was not one to be still. But it is so important in the spiritual life. Thank you for your witness and for your time and effort in sharing your inspirations with so many of us.

    1. So true, Brad. Though Dad taught and lived out many valuable lessons for us, stillness was not one of them! I’m learning to appreciate the importance as I incorporate more of it into each day (perhaps out of necessity). Thank you for the example you’ve always set for taking time and being still.

  5. I have read your book and in the process have started “being still” because it makes the most sense. I am also buying a couple more copies for friends who need the help, one is a dear friend of many years who is now dealing with ALS. So I spend some of my time helping her and doing what needs to be done for her and her husband and when they are gone, I am with their cat and pursuing being still because I can watch the ocean from her house. I know that God is real because He has been so faithful to me and taken care of much that needs taking care of. Especally me. Thank you for writing Divine Detour. It is a wonderful book.

    1. What a godsend you must be to your friends, Amelia. It seems most of us learn the art of “being still” through difficult circumstances. I am grateful for hard times that ground me and remind me that I cannot fix everything, but He can. As Charles Spurgeon put it, “I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me against the Rock of Ages.” Take care and thank you for sharing my book. Personal sharing is the best (and only) advertising it’s ever had. Praying for you and your friends through this tough time.

  6. Thank you Lori! What I struggle most with is wanting to know how long I will have to wait…the picture of your busy 4 year old self trying so hard to lay still really resonated with me! I want to know how long I will have to be still…I can do it if I just know how long it will take to get the desired result! Unfortunately, it seems to be precisely the point that if I’m trying so hard to be still then I’m no better than the tantrum throwing youngster being gently restrained by a loving parent. More often then not I’m only still because I wore myself out and then I’m right back to striving as soon as I take a breather. I’ve currently been waiting since March to get a start date for the proton radiation I need as the next step on my divine detour with spine cancer…first they told us April 15th, then mid June….now I have to have new scans in August for a potential start date of first week in September! Lord, help me learn to be still, knowing that nothing is a surprise to you and your timing is perfect!

    1. Sweet Hannah, so great to see your name here! I truly understand the constant battle of it all. I desire stillness but my personality continually pulls me into doing and striving. Thankful both of us have grace and an opportunity to keep growing toward stillness. So sorry to hear about your latest season of waiting. Praying for you as you desire to lean in and “lay still.” I believe a heart to welcome Him in is what He wants most.

    1. Thank you, Robin. Your words of encouragement mean so much to me. Grateful our paths have crossed.

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