1. Thank you, Marsha. I think we’ve all had our share of Saturdays! Appreciate you reading and commenting.

  1. If I could hit the rewind button and get a mulligan I would have used it for that Saturday. I am thankful for a love that can encounter Saturday’s and hold on for the Sunday around the corner. You bless and your faith encourages. My homecoming queen always!

  2. Ah, the memories! I remember that event well. So glad that you can see the big picture now, for Dell’s sake and for enlightened faith!

    1. Oh no! I hope I wasn’t TOO dramatic about it. But I guess I was a teenage girl. I ran across a picture of you and I from that night, too.

  3. I really enjoy your blog & your unique perspectives…they really make me think…thank you for sharing!

    1. So honored that you are reading my blog! Thank you for commenting. Your words are a huge encouragement to me.

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