1. When I feel sorry for my own situation I think how you are handling your situation with such strength. Your courage shortens my ‘pity party’.

    1. Carol, there are many days I don’t feel very courageous. I’m learning how much we all need each other and each other’s stories. You are a wonderful en-courager! Thank you.

  2. Great post, Lori. I’ve played the mom in that play and it is eye-opening. And I’ve always had great respect for Mary, playing such a difficult role in God’s big plan.

    1. So true, Wendy. Mary’s part was difficult and confusing, but so impactful. If we had the perspective of history, our own roles might look a bit different, too.

  3. I think that may be my favorite post yet! What a beautiful reminder that favor doesn’t necessarily mean “good” or easy. But it always means we’re in His plan for our life and He’s in it with us. Praying for you!

    1. Great to hear from you, Lisa! It is so encouraging to know we are tracking on this. I know you have felt God’s favor in your life, so your words mean even more. Thank you for the prayers. Have a beautiful Christmas!

  4. Mary is certainly an example for all of us, and you did a nice job of describing her humble, grace filled, life, and relating it to ours. I wish you and your family the merriest of Christmases!

    1. Thank you for your kind words and affirmation, Brad. I think I learn something new about Mary and her example every year. Have a Merry Christmas!

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