1. Lorianne! You were in ICU? Oh Honey!
    I hope your momma is close! And those sweet children! Rest during that vacation. I’m praying.

    1. You are so sweet, Mary Jo. I am deeply grateful for prayer. Out of the hospital and doing better now.

    1. Janis, this means so much that my words met you where you are. The Spirit has a way of doing that, but I am always in awe. Thank you for sharing, and take good care!

  2. Lori Ann –
    Such true and wise words! After our daughter passed, I got VERY busy so I wouldn’t feel the empty. Shock…it didn’t work. 10 months later, I crashed. And slowly, I allowed Him to begin occupying the empty and helping me back to a new normal. Not the same, not what I’d have chosen, but still good, with Him in control. His way is the only way I want. Thank you for your continued faith amidst sadness and trials. And allowing God to use them! Blessings!!

    1. Oh Lisa, thank you for being vulnerable about a nightmare so many of us can’t even imagine. Your faith in the deepest darkness is an encouragement to me and I know many others. Your trial continues to testify of His goodness, despite the emptiness that remains. You are a blessing to me.

  3. “A quick resolution can blur the line between our power and His.” I’m currently in the blur! I still think I can make the medical and insurance establishments work more efficiently and quickly by my incessant calling! It’s not working and I’m weary and depressed by my lack of success. I’m now slowing down to embrace the empty-ness of this valley and turning my eyes heavenward to the sun and clouds knowing that if I were a bird I would be able to see how temporary and short this valley is and how beautiful the panoramic view! Thank you Lori, for your faithfulness in sharing encouragement and insight. You’re such a timely blessing in my life!

    1. What a beautiful picture of how God cares for us, Hannah. I love the thought of a bird flying over our valley and taking in the brevity of what we see as endless. I will treasure this image. Thank you.

  4. I was just telling Jesus, last night, that I am tired. Reading your post helped me to realize that what I am is actually empty.
    Working 2 jobs, working to get a diagnosis for my husband, who has been unable to work for months, including doctor appointments and referrals and paperwork and copays, supporting him as he is the primary caregiver for his father, who came home from the hospital on Hospice, supporting my aging parents with trips to doctors, taking care of the garden and the chickens and dogs and house and keeping us all fed and clothed.
    Yes, I am empty. Holding my hands up in worship as I wait for the miracle of enough strength to do it all again, today.
    Praying for the ladies who have posted their trials and for you, Lori.

    1. Oh Jenn, you have so much on your plate, and that so often leaves us completely empty. It sounds like you are holding on, like so many of us, and staking your life on the promise of restoration, more, and God’s very best to fill our emptiness. Thank you for sharing, encouraging me and others. You have blessed me today with your contagious faith despite your deep trials. I’m adding you to my prayer list. Please stay in touch.

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