1. What a wonderful, comforting message this is! My baby sister suffered a massive heart attack this past year and it blindsided my siblings and I. She now has a very weak heart and is on several medications when previously she took only Thyroid medication. We are diligently praying for her and your words brought a renewed confidence. I almost didn’t;t read this email right now but I;m so glad I did and thank you for taking the time to prepare this message. I will pray for you too.

    1. Debbie, it means so much to hear from you and to know that my words touched you in your tender situation. Know that I am praying now for your entire family. Please stay in touch.

  2. Beautiful reflection, Lori. Not losing faith or hope has to be a real challenge in a situation that has gone on as long as yours has. I’m so grateful that you are finding God’s presence, and His wisdom, in your long, arduous journey. And I’m glad that you are helping others cope with their long struggles also.

    1. Thank you, Brad. Always so great to hear from you. Your encouragement and support have helped carry me, for sure. Hoping you have a blessed 2025!

  3. Bless you Lori and know that we are praying for you. Having known your parents, makes it all the more meaningful. Will have you add Len to your prayer list, has COPD and has had bypass surgery. Actually doing pretty well under the circumstances. I am very blessed to be able to be here for him. He is still running the tractor and minimal spraying and running errands for Craig, mainly after repairs.

    1. Oh Marge, I am always so excited to hear from people who know the backstory to my stories! Mom and Dad loved you all so much. Thank you for reaching out. You are both very special to me as well, and I will be honored to pray for Len and for you as you care for him so well. Please stay in touch!

  4. Lori Ann – once again you have such a beautiful way with words. They are so true and comforting. And that song… 2011 was the year of our daughter’s diagnosis with cancer. That song carried me many times. Her voice coach sang it at our request at her funeral in 2013. Such a powerful reminder. I will be praying for your Cleveland trip.

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