1. Good thoughts!
    What you expressed will help me cope with my grown children living far away from me. I always wanted my children to be independent, and they are. Which means I must accept my role of not being needed on a daily basis. That ain’t always easy!

  2. Very useful post. Sometimes we think we are still in charge of our children but that’s not true, they are now where we used to be. As we age it’s time to let them be in charge of their own future. We have impressed them, been an example to them and know that they will be OK as they progress thru life, following our example and as they follow God’s guidance. THANKS

    1. You have certainly left an impression on your amazing children, Chuck. What a blessing they’ve had with you as a father. Their faith (and yours) has been an example and support to so many.

  3. You do have great kids! I just started to realize how roles change in different seasons of life… And I love growing closer to God as we get older. What a gift of age. God bless you!

    1. That is sweet of you to say, Dawn. I appreciate my kids more every year, I think! And life really does have a way of pulling us toward God as we age. Great to hear from you!

  4. Wow, this really touches me Lori. Helps me to prioritize and focus on what is really important. Thank you so much for your insight!

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