1. Thank you for continuing to share and encourage. Your posts are always timely. God is using your words. It has been fun to follow your blog for several years now. You’ve done wonderful work.

    1. Thank you, Sarah. It is a deep blessing to hear from longtime readers and to know my words have somehow made a difference. I appreciate so much you taking time to let me know. Prayers for a great 2022!

  2. Lori. Thank you once again for your beautiful insights. Many of us don’t think in those ways but when you say it, it makes so much sense. Great reminder that he will provide what I really need not what I think I need.

    Blessings in this New Year!


    1. You have no idea how much your thoughtful reading and comments have encouraged me in this journey, Loretta. I’ve been so blessed by you. Happy 2022!

  3. What beautiful images these are, Lori, and especially meaningful to me because I remember the train table so well! I love how you connect things from our childhood to the bigger picture of God and and God’s faithfulness and care.

  4. So thankful the Lord has led me to your beautiful and encouraging words. The insight He is giving you through your illness will encourage and uplift many. And we will witness the treasure of you growing in more likeness of our wonderful Savior.
    Many hugs and much love, Arlene M.

  5. I am so thankful for your family and the inspiration they were to you and your family. What would we do without our families? I can’t help but remember my train set and the work my dad and I did to make it so much fun. Thanks for another great lesson. I’ll use it soon.

    1. Thank you for being such a faithful reader, Jasper. I know I’m onto something when it resonates with you. Blessings!

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