Seeing life with a clearer perspective


  1. I can relate to your eyeglasses story. Growing up I could always read the tail numbers on jets flying over Anthony. By the time I got to high school I could barely read the microwave from the living room to the kitchen.
    It wasn’t until 2000 that I finally went to an eye doctor and got glasses. He said I really didn’t need them because my eyes just focused slower at long distances.
    But the result of having glasses transformed my life. I realized how much detail I had been missing.
    Losing my baby boy really helped me focus my life differently. Thank you sharing your story Lori.

    1. I’m so thankful that my story resonated with you, Kelly. We all share so many experiences through life and yet, too often assume we are all alone. Your comments and affirmation will help others on a difficult road, too. Blessings, my friend!

  2. As always, God puts wisdom in my path when I need it most. Thank you for your words. I’m really struggling with my relationship with my dad. He just got remarried 2 years after mom died. She’s a very sweet lady but I feel like he’s erasing my mom. I’m trying not to be resentful. I know that grace and understanding is what I need to be extending to him. I really do appreciate what you had to say about recognizing how short our time is here on this earth and the need to make those we love fully know their importance to us.

    1. Oh Missy, I’m sorry. Loss and the aftermath is so messy. I wish I could say I did everything right, felt everything the best way, imputed the purest motives to others, when my parents died. I live every day thankful for God’s patience and grace. And I’ll keep re-learning all of this. Thanks for letting me (and others) know we are not alone.

  3. Lori, your stories and insights are sources of wisdom and of healing for me. I really appreciate and treasure your writings!

    1. Thank you, Brad. Your encouragement and validation always make me feel that the Spirit is using my words for good. Appreciate your comments very much!

  4. It’s amazing how your words touch my heart every. single. time. I bookmark your journals and read them ALWAYS. It may be a month later, 🙂 but God speaks through you each time. Thank you, Lori. You are always in my prayers.❤️

    1. Kia, your support always elevates my day. Hearing how God uses my words to touch others makes all the effort worth it. Thank you for being so constant, so kind, and so encouraging.

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